SPFx Modern Search Web Parts

This solution allows you to build user friendly SharePoint search experiences using SPFx in the modern interface. The main features include: Fully customizable SharePoint search query like the good old Content Search Web Part. Can either use a static query or be connected to a search box component using SPFx dynamic data. Live templating system […]

PuzzlePart Script Editor Web Part

Coming from old classic SharePoint pages you might have existing script solutions you want to re-use on a modern page without having to repackage it as a new SharePoint Framework web part. This web part is similar to the classic Script Editor Web Part, and allows you do drop arbitrary script or html on a […]

Classic to Modern Web Part Conversion

With the addition of modern web parts that are wholly different than classic web parts, you’ll need to determine at some point whether the thing you did in the classic experience will still work in modern. With names like “Hero” and “Highlighted Content,” it can be hard to find out which web parts are the […]

InfoPath to PowerApps Conversion

If you don’t see the feature you’re using and want to email us to find out how you can convert it to PowerApps, email [email protected]. We’ll see if we can’t help you find a way to convert your skills and your form.  

Adopting SharePoint: Intuitive or Not

Intuitive.  Whether you believe SharePoint is intuitive or not, you need help to discover what you can do – and how to do it.  Everyone claims that Apple’s iPhone is intuitive, but I’ve never heard anyone describe the way to kill applications you no longer want to run as intuitive.  (In case you don’t know […]